Lintea este foarte sanatoasa si are foarte multe proteine,multi medici nutritionisti o recomanda in dieta pentru inlocuirea proteinelor de origine animala.Nu mi-a luat mai mult de o ora sa pun in schema aceasta mancarica.Asta dupa ce am inmuiat lintea,asta nu se pune la socoteala.Cu toti am crescut cu astfel de mancaruri rapide facute de ai nostri dragi bunici sau parinti.Nu mereu este timp sa gatesti portii mici si dichisite asa cum vedem la televizor.De multe ori suntem fortati sa pregatim o mancare pentru 2-3 zile ,astfel sa ne mai ocupam si de restul problemelor din viata noastra.Eu ca bucatar pot afirma ca am o dieta nu prea sanatoasa si mi se intampla sa merg la fast-food mai des decat as vrea.Cu astfel de mancaruri impusc doi iepuri. Sanatos si Rapid ! Sa avem pofta! Un share m-ar ajuta foarte mult in incercarea mea de a promova retetele noastre dragi ! Va salut !
Lintel is very healthy and has a lot of protein, many nutritionists recommend it in the diet for the replacement of animal proteins. It did not take me for more than an hour to cook this,that after soaking the lintel.We all grew up with such food not all this fast food poison that they are serving us. It’s not always time to cook and to have dirty dishes.We are often forced to prepare a meal for 2 -3 days, so let’s take care of the rest of the problems in our lives. As a chef I can say that I have a diet not too healthy and it happens to me to go to fast food more than I would want. With such foods I shoot two rabbits with one bullet. Healthy and Fast! Let’s have a blast ! One share would help me a lot in my attempt to promote our dear recipes! love you guys !